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Patients & Families

Resources for Patients & Families

Is my doctor giving up? Does hospice mean we are giving up hope?No. Both of these concepts are myths. Choosing hospice means a patient is embracing hope for a better quality of life. The last months of life are a very important time of life. Some people are fortunate enough to have a choice regarding how those days will be spent. Will they be spent in hospitals, with surgeries, uncomfortable treatments, visiting hours, and aggressive therapies? Or will a person’s last days be spent with maximum symptom control, in the comfort of home, surrounded by loved ones?
What is Hospice?Hospice cares for patients with advanced illness by focusing on pain relief, symptom management, and emotional and spiritual end-of-life issues. Hospice is palliative, not curative. In other words, hospice does not try to cure disease.
Where is hospice care provided?Care is provided wherever a patient resides. Common places of residency include: assisted living, nursing facility, or home.
How do I pay for hospice?In most cases, hospice is fully covered by Medicare/Medicaid or private insurance.
What is covered under the Hospice Benefit?Hospice coverage includes the cost of care, medications related to hospice diagnosis, as well as medical supplies and equipment needed for the care and comfort of the patient.
How often are visits made?Patients are continuously assessed for their condition. Our staff monitor for change and will adjust the frequency of visits made by various team members to assure a high level of care and support.
When are staff available?Our phones are answered around the clock and staff are available 24/7.
Why choose Enlight Hospice?Our team of advanced illness experts provide an elevated dedication to every patient's care, taking into account his or her changing physical, emotional and spiritual needs. Our ultimate goal is to support both our patients and their loved ones while honoring their wishes and ensuring comfort. We achieve this goal by utilizing our extensive experience in end-of-life care and finding creative solutions to any complication that may arise.

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